Will the real Fife please stand up?

map displaying all locations named Fife in the world

Not long ago, I received a message from someone looking for information on a photo of a building in Fife – not one that looked familiar, and a bit older than what we are used to. After a few questions, it turned out the gentleman was asking about a building in Fife, British Columbia, not…

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Fife History Museum Demonstrates Antique Nail Sorter

We demo an antique nail sorter! There are no instructions or information on the nail sorter online, so we decided to pull one out of storage, set it up, and see what we can make happen. We set the nail sorter up according to photos we found on auction sites and then played around with…

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Welcome to the Fife Historical Society Blog!

Hi there! My name is Julie Watts, and I’m the Managing Director of the Fife Historical Society. I manage the day to day operations for the Fife History Museum and our rental venue, the Dacca Barn. I have the help of several volunteers and my Board of Directors. Currently, our Board consists of the following…

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